What causes UTIs in infants?

Urinary tract infections (or UTIs) are among the most common infections in young children1; in fact, UTIs cause 7% of fevers in infants2. However, it can be difficultto tell if your little one has a urinary tract infection, as symptoms can be vague, and babies and toddlers may not be…

11 min read

5 foods to prevent bladder inflammation (and 5 foods to avoid!)

Bladder inflammation, also known as cystitis, can be uncomfortable, even though it’s normally nothing to worry about. If you’re experiencing discomfort due to bladder inflammation, there are natural remediesyou can try at home to improve your symptoms. We’ve gathered information on the best food and drinks to lessen bladder inflammation…

8 min read

Why is my toddler peeing a lot all of a sudden?

As a parent, we notice toddlers pee often (especially on long car journeys or during a nappy change…), but you might be concerned if they start peeing a lot more all of a sudden. In this article, we’ve gathered the potential causes and management options for increased urination in toddlers….

5 min read

Is there a link between menopause and frequent urination at night?

On average, 21% of early-menopausal people experience an overactive bladder, usually with night-time urination (nocturia) compared to 17% of their younger counterparts.1 As such, it’s no wonder that many people over 40 wonder, ‘is there a link between menopause and frequent urination at night?’. We’ve gathered the facts on the…

7 min read

How happiness benefits your health

Happiness is something we all strive for in life. But did you know that being happy can also have health benefits, including helping maintain a healthy bladder? We’re going to deep-dive into why happiness and confidence are so good for you and your body. Furthermore, because it’s not always easy…

7 min read