UTIs, or urinary tract infections, are fairly common, particularly in women, with around 50-60% of women experiencing one within their lifetime1. They can also occur in children and men. However common they may be, many wonder ‘What is a urinary tract infection?’. A UTI infection is a microbial infection that…
Have you noticed that you keep needing a wee or have frequent urination at night? Read more on the causes of an overactive bladder here.
Why Bladder Weakness is not taboo anymore
- 04/02/2020
Many around the world suffer from different health issues and one of them is the issue of urinary incontinence, commonly known as bladder weakness. Urinary incontinence is reported to affect millions of people worldwide, and yet it is still a taboo and somewhat embarrassing subject.1 The number of sufferers is actually likely…
There is one thing we all woman have in common, its motherhood, periods…and also menopause. Menopause is something that all women undergo, usually between the ages of 45 and 55. Menopause happens when your levels of oestrogen and progesterone, the hormones that are responsible for your menstrual cycle and pregnancy, drop and is when your…
You visit the bathroom quite often and want to know exactly what are symptoms for bladder weakness? Read here to know more about it.